ESCORTS EC-5250 gets the job done with satisfaction, minimizing downtime on the site. The best part is that the ESCORTS EC-5250 Compactor Price in India and features make it a worthy purchase.
18 Apr 2024|Yash Garg
5 Rating
Keeping the dump clean has never been easier, thanks to the ESCORTS EC-5250 Compactor! It's user-friendly, highly convenient, and excels in crushing tasks, handling materials like granite and basalt effortlessly. A solid five-star performer
18 Apr 2024|Amit Shukla
5 Rating
Controlling the equipment is straightforward, and from my experience as a training supervisor, I can affirm that it requires minimal training for operators. ESCORTS EC-5250 has a compact and sturdy build.
18 Apr 2024|Mahesh Yadev
5 Rating
ESCORTS EC-5250 machine operates smoothly, completing the work without any issues. Fuel consumption is impressive, and as an operator, I find the cabin exceptionally comfortable.