JCB S4550E ScissorLift vs JLG RT3369 ScissorLift Comparison

Wondering which of the construction equipment between the JCB S4550E ScissorLift and JLG RT3369 ScissorLift is best for your work. Then we have the answer, Infra Junction provides you with a comparison tool which can easily compare JCB S4550E ScissorLift and JLG RT3369 ScissorLift on your standards and parameters. Compare the JCB S4550E ScissorLift and JLG RT3369 ScissorLift at Infra Junction to know which Motor grader is appropriate for your needs. The price of JCB S4550E ScissorLift is Price Coming Soon, whereas JLG RT3369 ScissorLift is Price Coming Soon . JCB S4550E ScissorLift and JLG RT3369 ScissorLift delivers good power / torque. Both of these ScissorLifts are proficient in the heavy loading work.

Hide Common Features
JCB S4550E
JLG RT3369
Engine Type/Model
Kubota D1305-E4B-J
Engine Power
24.8 HP
Ground Clearance
100 MM
Platform Height
13800 MM
10060 MM
Turning Radius
2560 MM
4440 MM
Overall Height
1250 MM
11890 MM
Drive Speed
3.2 KMPH
5.63 KMPH
Platform Capacity
227 KG
453.59 KG
Total Weight
3366 KG
4289.62 KG
25 %
35 %
Electrical System
Battery Power
12V x 4 V

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Frequently Asked Questions

A. JCB S4550E ScissorLift is the most affordable model among the two.

A. JCB S4550E ScissorLift is the most expensive model among the the two.