JCB 4DX Backhoe Loader vs JCB 2DX Backhoe Loader Comparison

Wondering which of the construction equipment between the JCB 4DX Backhoe Loader and JCB 2DX Backhoe Loader is best for your work. Then we have the answer, Infra Junction provides you with a comparison tool which can easily compare JCB 4DX Backhoe Loader and JCB 2DX Backhoe Loader on your standards and parameters. Compare the JCB 4DX Backhoe Loader and JCB 2DX Backhoe Loader at Infra Junction to know which Motor grader is appropriate for your needs. The price of JCB 4DX Backhoe Loader is ₹ 36 - 40 Lakh, whereas JCB 2DX Backhoe Loader is ₹ 18 - 20 Lakh . JCB 4DX Backhoe Loader and JCB 2DX Backhoe Loader delivers good power / torque. Both of these Backhoe Loaders are proficient in the heavy loading work.

Hide Common Features
CEV Stage lV Engine
BSIII diesel engine
JCB 444
KOEL 4R810
4.4 cc
3.2 cc
Gross Power
55kW (74hp) @ 2200 rpm
36.4 kW (49 hp)
Loader General Dimension
Dump Height
2930 mm
2300 mm
Load Over Height
3370 mm
2740 mm
Hinge Pin Height
3640 mm
3000 mm
Hinge Pin Forward Reach
370 mm
Backhoe Loader Dimension
Maxd Dig Depth
5360 mm
3020 mm
Reach ground level to Swing Center
6380 mm
Reach Ground level to rear wheel center
7570 mm
5140 mm
Reach at full height to slew center
2180 mm
3930 mm
Overall Dimension & Weight
Max Operating Weight
8470 Kg
5220 Kg
Transport Length
6350 mm
5500 mm
Width Over Bucket
2440 MM
1912 MM
Track Width Rear
1730 MM
1420 MM
Hydraulic System
Pump type
Gear, double pump
Pump Flow
154 Lpm
70.4 lpm @ 2200 rpm
Service Capacities
Engine Oil
15 Ltr
8 Ltr
Rear Axle
20 Ltr
10 Ltr
transmission Oil Capacitysystem
17.5 Ltr
16 Ltr
Fuel Tank
128 Ltr
60 Ltr
Power Train
Transmission make and model
The JCB. SS 700 svncbroshuttle transmission. It consistsof a 4-speed, fully Synchromesh, smooth shift gearbox with integral torque convertor and electrically operated reversing shuttle
Drive axle rigidly mounted, incorporates JCB Max-Trac torque proportioning differential, driven by short propshaft from gear box
Drive axle rigidly mounted, incorporates JCB Max-Trac torque proportioning differential, driven by short propshaft from gear box.
Steer axle, centrally pivoted, with oscillation angle of 16
2WD steer axle, centrally pivoted, with oscillation angle of 16°.
Power track steering
Full power, front wheel hydrostatic power steering with power track road and manual capability in the event of engine or hydraulic power failure.
System Pressure
2320 p.s.i. (160 bar)
1810 p.s.i (125 bar)
Turning Circle Diameter Otside Bucket
10200 mm
Turning circle Diameter Outside Bucket Not Braked
11700 mm
Brakes service
JCB ‘Q’ brakes, hydraulically actuated, dual line, self adjusting (compensated), oil immersed, multi-disc type on the rear axle, well protected from dirt, water, requiring no maintenance.Through indep
Hydraulically actuated, dual line, self-adjusting (compensated), oil immersed, multi-disc type on the rear axle, well protected from dirt, water, etc. Operated through independent pedals linked togeth
Brakes Parking
Hand operated, disc brakes on rear axle input disc.
Standard tyre front
9 x16 -1 6PR
7.5 x 16 -16 PR
standard tyre rear
16.9 x 28 -12PR
12 x 24 - 20 PR, 14.9 x 24 - 12 PR

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Frequently Asked Questions

A. JCB 2DX Backhoe Loader is the most affordable model among the two.

A. JCB 4DX Backhoe Loader is the most expensive model among the the two.